Measurement and Gap Analysis
Now you can make key decisions based on accurate, scientific information. We custom-design assessment instruments to reveal the information you identify as critical.
As part of our consultative process, we’ll design and administer tools and strategies to assess how well you really communicate. We can measure almost anything from employee engagement to potential barriers to corporate success. Using a sophisticated time-series model, our researchers can zero in on the important stuff, eliminating the non-applicable variables and isolating the areas of opportunity and issues of real concern — cost-effectively.
Using a variety of selective assessment strategies, we can:
- assess your corporate culture to identify behavioral norms
- instigate change without losing momentum
- stimulate individual accountability, responsibility and communication
- convey brand values
- track initiatives so appropriate adjustments can be made — instantly.
- provide group and sub-group depictions of a group's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- identify the Strategic Ideal — the attributes you believe will achieve corporate goals
- provide an Action Plan targeted at measurable bottom line results.